Sweet Deception. How Sugar Ages Us

Oh, the sweet topic of sugar!  How we love it, how we crave it, and how it is in almost everything we consume.  While most foods in moderation are good for us, a diet high in sugar can lead to several undesirable effects on the skin.  It is important to note that there are a […]

Oh, the sweet topic of sugar!  How we love it, how we crave it, and how it is in almost everything we consume.  While most foods in moderation are good for us, a diet high in sugar can lead to several undesirable effects on the skin.

 It is important to note that there are a variety of sugars and where they are derived and how they have processed changes the effect they have on the skin. 

Glycation is a natural process that occurs when you consume sugar. Ingested sugar goes into the bloodstream and attaches to proteins and lipids and in turn, produces harmful free radicals; this process is called advanced glycation end products (A.G.E.). The more processed sugar you consume the more these harmful new molecules build up. The cumulative effect is the impairment of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the most important proteins of the skin because they are responsible for springy, suppleness, and firmness. A.G.E’s stiffen collagen and elastin resulting in lines, wrinkles, and sagging, and the skin becomes more fragile. 

As though that isn’t enough harm, sugar also weakens our skin’s ability to protect itself against damaging blue light and UV rays which results in hyperpigmentation or brown spots on the skin. 

Along with choosing natural sugars from fresh fruit the amount of sugar you consume should be moderate. Although natural sugar from fruit is digested slower thanks to the fiber content, once they reach the small intestine they are all processed the same. 

Sweet Sensations

Did you know you can enjoy the same sweet delight in your daily topical skincare routine as if you were eating it?  

And if feeling like cutting sugar out or down from your diet is deprivation, then why not add some sweetness into your daily skincare routine?

It’s important to realize skin care is not to be a rushed, in-and-out deal, but something to be sweetly savored.  

Eminence’s new tropical superfood collection is the perfect way to balance our longing for sugary treats and the sensory pleasure we derive from them.

Three new formulas work in harmony to visibly smooth, renew and brighten your skin with potent antioxidant-rich botanicals and gentle exfoliation. 

Delicious tropical scents treat your skin to a unique, glow-enhancing experience.  This line showcases innovative,  beautiful textures and luscious sensorials.  Pineapple, yuzu, passionfruit, and Kakadu plum, are not only packed with vitamins and antioxidants but the natural fragrance of the ingredients may give you the same “sugar high” as actually eating sugar.  

According to Michelle K. Gagnon, a bio alchemist, up to 90 percent of what we think we are tasting, we are actually smelling.  Studies show that food-associated odors may activate dopaminergic brain areas just as eating food does! 

If you slow down while performing your morning and nightly skincare routine and begin to practice mindfulness, noticing the textures and smells of your products, you will release dopamine and other feel-good hormones – without any of the negative impacts of actually ingesting sugars!  Another bonus?  Studies show smelling citrus fruits, such as grapefruit, pineapple, and yuzu can assist in curbing the appetite. 

Call me cute and feed me sugar

Whether we are skin focused or want to improve our overall health hands down the best and most effective way to do this is internally by, you guessed it, what we eat. 

Eating a nutrient-rich diet that includes antioxidants will combat the negative effects of sugar so lots of leafy green vegetables and berries. You are looking for the freshest, most vibrant plants because they contain the most nutrients. Vitamin B1 and B6 are A.G.E inhibitors, which are in spinach, green peas, sesame seeds, and nuts. It is important for you to realize that it is possible to make extrinsic changes that will change the appearance of your skin. 

A diet rich in beautiful plants and natural fruits combined with an organic, plant-based skincare routine, that you remain present for and take time to enjoy, will give you a gorgeous honeyed glow.

Besides, you can ditch the sugar, you’re sweet enough already.

Psst! Looking for more Saccharin-spiriation?  Download your free sweet escape skincare guide HERE




Copyright 2023 Wild Flower Spa

Written by: Alexis Fletcher